Journeys through our landscape and seascapes are opportunities to understand the cultural context of life that has existed and survived in these very places.

Indigenous Turas | Journey unwraps the layers of the tapestries written in the land and waterways on the island of Ireland, inviting you into this distinctive, living and colourful story.

Each Turas is concerned with a specific place at a particular time of year. The logistics of our journey are built around your schedule and availability. Guided by tour guides who originate in each place, you will receive the gift of their experience and cultural viewpoint to make your Turas an experiential journey to remember.

Who and What is Indigenous?

At a very fundamental level, the geology and resulting topography- soil and water-flow patterns- provide the supporting narrative for all that resides on its surface- human habitation included.

A study of the habitat and living habits of the wild species in each location also illustrates its unique character- it may be through folk-lore and tradition that stories attached to particular species, for example the Rón or Seal, bring to light a more colourful world of narrative that further enlivens the sense of place.

The interaction of human events with the particular species that characterise a place, and call the surrounding topography ‘home’, have generated a rich tapestry of intrigue and exchange unknown elsewhere, that weaves a story from the past to illuminate the present.

In many ways the language of Irish holds the key to this enhanced understanding, where the names of places illustrate their physical form or position in an historic narrative pertaining to each place.

Our Tours

Walking the Edge

A Wild Island Immersion

From: €50
The island of Tory (Toraigh in Irish means steep, rocky heights) sits 14km off the coast of the North West of Ireland and is a dramatic and mythic jewel in Irish history and heritage. Tory has a resident population who speak Irish, or Gaeilge, and who have a long and vibrant lineage stretching back to ancient times.

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Our Life Beneath the Sea Snorkelling

From: €40
Have you ever wondered about the life beneath or seas and oceans? Our Life Beneath the Sea Snorkel tours are an amazing immersive experience into a world little known.

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Small & Beautiful

Walking the City-scape.

From: €30
No other walking tour offers the perspective that situates place within an indigenous story, comprising legend and epic adventure, wrapping around the everyday and mundane.

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